5 Ways to Start Reading Again
Now that we have decided on a few places to read (11 Places to Read in Your Neighborhood) below are a few suggestions that could help you commit to reading for fun everyday, or just simply help you finish that book you started reading so long ago and perhaps almost forgotten.
1. Put your phone away ... It's important to keep our phones handy for emergencies, but avoid needless distractions by putting your phone away. Some places to "hide" your phone could be on a top shelf, in a drawer, your garage, or just anywhere that will make the journey from where you are to your phone not worthwhile, as you try to get a few pages in.
2. Keep a pocket dictionary handy ... Reading is a skill, and one that can be a bit intimidating. Many books contain words that are hardly used in our everyday language, so to overcome this obstacle in reading, and if the contextual clues aren't very helpful, consider a pocket dictionary. Pocket dictionaries are weightless, take up little room in your purse or messenger bag (whatever you use), and can be found anywhere for just a few dollars.
3. Set some time each day for reading ... Schedule some reading time in your planner/calendar or save it as a reminder on your phone (or both).
4. Take breaks ... Don't force yourself into this new activity or hobby. It's like working out, in a way. We often tell ourselves that we will go to the gym everyday, but with life, in general, getting to it can be a little difficult. Instead, pencil reading in to your planner or save it to your phone for only a few days out of the week.
5. Set a goal ... Write down (again, in your planner) the number of chapters or pages you will read on your scheduled reading days and times. Seeing it on paper could work as a reminder or motivation.
Another suggestion not listed, but one that is super important is your selected reading. Find a book you enjoy or a recommendation. Consider a theme or topic that has been on your mind lately or is of interest to you and go from there. It’ll make the planning fun and give you something to look forward to.
I hope that these suggestions have encouraged the reader in you to pick up that forgotten favorite, or just motivated you to order that second-hand book you’ve been curious to read from your online Bouquiniste.